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Future of Healthcare Salon

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TEDxABQSalon | The Future of Healthcare In the first event of 2018, TEDxABQ brings together bright minds with innovative ideas in the fields of medicine and healthcare. Five speakers will explore the question:

Where is Healthcare going next?

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The talks will include research and innovation, medicine ecosystems for providers, and technology in healthcare. The TEDxABQ Future of Healthcare Salon will focus on changing the way healthcare is perceived and medicine is practiced in New Mexico.

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This special two-hour event curated by Amanda Bergamo and Ryan Cangiolosi will foster learning, ignite inspiration, and provoke conversations that matter. The Future of Healthcare Salon is sponsored by the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center (UNMHSC).
TEDxABQ believes the power of ideas can exponentially shape and change our community, or even the world, forever. These extraordinary voices will unlock imaginations as new ideas are presented to challenge the way we think of medicine and to embrace its exciting future in our state.

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Wednesday March 14, 2018

From 5pm to 8pm

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Domenici Center for Health Sciences Education
1001 Stanford Drive NE
Albuquerque, NM 87131


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Free Parking after 5pm

Refreshments will be served 5-6pm

Doors Open
at 5pm

Program Begins
at 6pm

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Aaron Baca

Aaron Baca

Healthcare is one of the fastest growing and most cumbersome sectors of our economy. As the relationship between patient and doctor becomes more intermediated how does investment from venture capital and private equity help or hurt the healthcare environment? How are investors incentivized to reduce costs in healthcare if making the system more complicated creates opportunity for better returns? Aaron Baca explores the shift from fee-for-service care to value-based medicine and the capital partners that support this transformation.

Nowhere in the country is as compelling as New Mexico to investigate this opportunity; our diversity, payer mix and rural population create a fascinating petri dish for capital sources to test new solutions to the challenges of healthcare. Take risks, avoid “small dream thinking” and believe in New Mexico as a model for the country. If you can make healthcare investing successful in New Mexico, you can make it work anywhere!


Born and raised in Albuquerque, Aaron has dedicated his career to innovation and healthcare. Focusing on disruptive delivery models has been a consistent theme from re-envisioning emergency care platforms to supporting cutting-edge primary care modules that help employees stay out of the hospital. After sixteen years in Silicon Valley and New York, Aaron is bringing his experience and passion for healthcare improvement home to contribute to New Mexico’s blossoming entrepreneurial economy. He brings with him a patient wife, Marie, and two awesome boys, Milo and Julian. Don’t forget the dog, Sandy.

When he’s not taking risks in building something new, Aaron can most likely be found playing cello or watching obscure European soccer leagues.

Christine Glidden

Christine Glidden

Which population on the planet has the greatest chance of improving global health and leading the world to economic success? It’s a population that we currently restrict and shame. It’s girls; young girls who struggle every month with their periods. With often nothing to use but rags for menstrual management, this generation comprises the greatest untapped resource known to humankind.

Discover the simple and affordable fix for this problem. It exists, we have it, and a local non-profit is making it available on three continents. Women To Be was born of an idea on a couch four years ago because of a chance meeting, a shocking woman and selfless, unstoppable volunteers.

When girls have what they need to succeed, they will. When given a chance at education and freedom from child marriage, they have the potential to raise the quality of life for us all, especially you.


Christine enjoyed a career in mental health directing Employee Assistance Programs for both Johnson & Johnson and Cigna. Later, she joined her husband’s fabrication business where they designed and fabricated the 65’ Tricentennial Towers at I-40 and Rio Grande.

In 2014, Christine founded and now volunteers for Women To Be distributing reusable sanitary pads to women around the world. Christine has held appointments to the NM Board of Nursing and the NM Medical Board and later, to the NM Arts Commission. She served on the Board of Trustees for both the Albuquerque Museum of Art and the BioPark Zoo. She is currently an Honorary Commander at Kirtland Air Force Base. In 2014, the Bernalillo County Commission selected her to serve on the Board of Trustees for University of New Mexico Hospital.

Christine and her daughter, Jenna, climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in 2013. Additionally, Christine has completed over 150 triathlons. She is committed to being ‘shocking’ in her life.

Howard Yonas

Howard Yonas

What happens when you have a brain-related emergency in rural New Mexico? ACCESS is a program that provides neuro emergent care to patients all over the state even in communities that do not have access to neurology and neurosurgery specialists. “Live “ consultations directed to rural ER doctors helps fill deficits of knowledge in these clinical areas where ‘time is brain’. ACCESS has increased the use of clot busting drugs in small rural hospitals from <1% to about 20% (a high national standard). This program has also aborted 80% of transfers–which were unnecessary–saving families thousands of miles on the highway and millions of dollars on airplane rides. The next challenge is to expand this type of care to other rural areas and clinical fields.


Dr. Howard Yonas is a neurosurgeon who went to college at the University of Pittsburgh, attended medical school at Ohio State, and completed a residency at Case Western Reserve. He spent two years as a flight surgeon in the US Air Force followed by fellowships in Switzerland and Pittsburgh, PA.  Dr. Yonas joined the department of Neurosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh and became the Vice Chair of the department before taking a position with UNM as the Chair of the Department of Neurosurgery. Dr. Yonas was funded by Medicare (CMS) in 2014 for $15.2 million to create a system of telemedicine for neuro emergent care in rural New Mexico. UNMH is the major center for the delivery of trauma, cerebrovascular, pediatric, spine, skull base and tumor care in the state of New Mexico.

Kulmeet Singh

Kulmeet Singh

Sir William Osler said, “The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” But today, physicians don’t have time to listen to their patient’s stories. In one well known study, only 23% of patients were able to complete their initial statement of concern. The average time to interruption was 18 seconds. How can we give physicians some time back so they can be better healers? Kulmeet will share how technology can automate some aspects of a physician’s interaction with a patient, allowing the doctor to relate and empathize with their patients, giving him or her the chance to be a great physician.


Kulmeet has a proclivity to take the road less traveled, and often a road that is steep, uphill, and fraught with risk. A serial entrepreneur, he has focused his innovation on two industries that resist change: education and healthcare. At present, he is building Twistle, a venture that automates conversations with patients on behalf of clinicians to free up their time. Twistle is transforming care management and population health. He also funds a foundation that focuses on education in rural Punjab. Prior to Twistle, Kulmeet spent a decade in healthcare IT, starting with MedRemote, a venture that leveraged speech recognition and artificial intelligence to automate medical documentation. After selling to Nuance, he spent 3 years helping to grow Nuance’s health division primarily through 6 acquisitions over 36 months. He has degrees in Economics from University of Chicago and in Computer Science from Columbia, and makes his home in New Mexico.

Leigh Caswell

Leigh Caswell

Why is healthcare in the U.S. so expensive yet our health outcomes often fall short? Healthcare organizations are learning how to partner with each other and with outside organizations, how to share power, how to leverage their intellectual, human, and financial resources to improve the health of the communities they serve. Leigh Caswell will describe how they are doing this and the tools that are helping them to build healthy communities.


Leigh Caswell is Director of The Center for Community Health at Presbyterian Healthcare Services. In this role, she directs initiatives, strategy and operations that support the community health priorities of the largest non-profit health system in New Mexico. This includes convening partnerships and leveraging funds to tackle barriers to health across the state. The Healthy Here Wellness Referral Center, Mobile Farmers’ Market, and FreshRX, which provides prescriptions to patients for produce, are among the initiatives Leigh has developed at Presbyterian to promote prevention, increase health equity, and enhance the effectiveness of clinical interventions. Under her leadership, Presbyterian was named one of 32 national participants in the Accountable Health Communities model, which is testing how communities can address the health-related social needs of people enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid. A Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Leader, she has a Masters of Public Health from the University of New Mexico.

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Our Mission

TEDxABQ unlocks the creative & economic potential of New Mexicans through events that draw out inspiring ideas, generate meaningful connections and foster innovation.

Our History

TEDxABQ was formed by a team of volunteers in early 2010. Since then, we’ve hosted over 50 community events built around a passion for sharing great ideas. We believe strongly in the power of community, and we want you to be a part of it! Check our events page, partner with us, or volunteer.[/x_raw_content][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]