Celebrate: Happy Women’s Equality Day!

Beth HaleyMain Event, News, Uncategorized

The 19th Amendment to the Constitution was certified in 1920, granting women the right to vote. Nearly one hundred years later, women are still fighting for full equality, as marked by the observance of Women’s Equality Day, August 26.

TEDxABQ honors Women’s Equality Day this year, and every year, by inviting women to share their ideas worth spreading, exploring their capacity as creators, catalysts, and change-makers.

Cindy Nava strives to help other young women achieve their own success and find power – regardless of race, class, gender or legal status. Last year, she shared her vision for changing the world (starting in New Mexico).

Olivia Gatwood, a firm believer in girl power, joins us at the main event this year on September 9th. She has spent the majority of her career working to create spaces where young women feel validated, represented and empowered to exercise their voices. Join us and Olivia as she examines how we have been conditioned to judge our personal stories as insignificant, bringing to light the value in the seemingly mundane, and its potential to connect us to thousands.

Need more feminine energy and inspiration? Join us November 2 for TEDxABQWomen, a half-day event exploring the theme of Bridges: we build them, traverse them, and even burn them, for better or worse. Speaker Applications are open until September 4, and Tickets go on sale after the main event–keep an eye out for more information.

Blog Written by: Danielle Adams