Rulan Tangen

Jason Griffin

Rulan Tangen 2016 Main Event Speaker

Rulan Tangen’s life’s work is to turn dreams into embodied reality, most significantly through the founding of DANCING EARTH CREATIONS which gathers and nurtures Indigenous contemporary dancers along with related artists of music, costume, video, visual … Read More

Lauren Poole

Jason Griffin

Lauren Poole 2016 Main Event Speaker

Lauren Poole is an actor/improviser/comedian and New Mexico Native. She came to local fame with the success of viral video “Shit Burqueños Say.” Lauren is an ensemble member of Blackout Theatre, a company specializing in … Read More

Dr. Bill Shuttleworth

Jason Griffin

After decades of denial, massive waves of brain activation–called “brain tsunamis”—are finally recognized as phenomena that make injuries like stroke much worse. Dr. Bill Shuttleworth believes this discovery will not only change stroke treatment, but also lead … Read More

Stephanie Stewart

Jason Griffin

Stephanie Stewart’s message is simple: What if society stopped obsessing over how we measure up to others? Stewart uses beauty and boudoir photography to remind her subjects that they are beautiful, strong, or striking. She … Read More

Mary Lou Robinson

Jason Griffin

How effective would you be without your electronics? The US Air Force currently has the technology to win many battles without harming a soul. Mary Lou Robinson, Chief of the High Power Electromagnetics Division of … Read More

Ann Rhoades

Jason Griffin

After 25 years in leadership roles with organizations such as Southwest Airlines, JetBlue Airways, Doubletree Hotels, and Juniper Networks, Ann Rhoades is a leading expert on building values based organizations. Rhoades has proven that when implemented correctly, … Read More

Sylvie Obledo

Jason Griffin

After a 30-year career in the fashion industry, Sylvie Obledo transitioned from developing and selling products to creatively directing experiences. Now the Director of Ambiance Décor at the International Folk Art Market in Santa Fe, Obledo believes … Read More

Cindy Nava

Jason Griffin

Dreamer and doer Cindy Nava is out to change the world – starting with New Mexico. Through her struggles as an undocumented low-income student, she managed to beat the odds and achieve success. Nava strives to help … Read More

Wes Naman

Jason Griffin

Photographer Wes Naman became internationally recognized through his work on the Invisible Tape Series and his 505 Faces Project. His photographs are evocative and fascinating—and he invites you on an interactive exploration of his work, creative process, … Read More

Bruce McCormick

Jason Griffin

With increased globalization comes increased opportunity for infectious disease to spread around the world. It also breeds innovation. Bruce McCormick is an engineer, mad scientist and visionary working on a seemingly simple problem: how do we … Read More